Archaelogical emsemble of "Santa María de la Piscina"
It is formed by the Basilica of Santa María de la Piscina, one of the most beautiful examples of pure Romanesque in Rioja (XII century), a necropolis of repopulation from the tenth to the fourteenth centuries), a town with semi-ruined houses and remains of fortifications or watchmen (X to XIV centuries)
Its history is strongly linked with that of the Brotherhood of Santa Vera Cruz and with the Disciplinantes of San Vicente de la Sonsierra
- Next to the LR-424 (Carretera a Peciña)
- Enabled parking of vehicles. Prohibited the transit of vehicles by the access road
- GPS location 42º34'41 "N 2º43'33" W
- Link to google maps
- More information in this link (Spanihs)